If it is damaged, we will charge according to the repair cost of the said goods.
If it is stolen/missing, we will charge according to the sales price of the said goods.
Yes, we offer long term basis at a very attractive rate.
Cheque to be issued in favor to RETAILTECH SYSTEMS PTE LTD, upon delivery of goods.
PayNow: UEN No: 200402791M
Bank Transfer: OCBC Bank 622-841369-001
Above $120 per invoice – FOC.
Below $120 per invoice – S$40.00
Delivery arranged on PH and weekends – S$100.00
Give us the size area and the types of fixture you need, we will work out the number of fixture that fit the space. This planning service is provided Free of Charge!!!
For large orders, you can submit your request on Get A Quote or Fix an appointment
Our sales team will get back to you at the soonest.
1 week notice during non peak period.
1 month notice is required during peak period.
Stock reservation comes on a first come first serve basis.